Primary Classroom News

Foundation A

As the end of the school year draws near, I would like to take the time to thank the families and especially the students of prep A for what has been a wonderful term 4. I feel so grateful to have been given the chance to spend the final term with these beautiful students. With every day came new opportunities and challenges that we overcame together. Although a short time, we have all grown close; I will miss their smiles and stories as they move on to grade one.

Highlights for this term include the gymnastics program, the end of year celebration and athletics day. Students have loved exploring new talents, overcoming fears and achieving more than their initially thought they could.

I am very proud to see the growth that has taken place in their reading and writing. I encourage all students to continue exploring these skills and to further develop their love for learning over the holidays.

All the best for the New Year,

Miss Natalie Hatzimihail